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How To Increase Blog Traffic Easy Way SEO (Pro Verified Tips)

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In that respect today's tutorial is How To Increase Blog Traffic Easy Way SEO (Pro Verified Tips)

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How To Increase Blog Traffic Easy Way SEO (Pro Verified Tips)

how to increase blog traffic fast


It is very easy to create a blog through a platform like WordPress OR Blogger "Blog". However, once it is up and running, your next big challenge is to drive more traffic to your blog or website . Don't worry, you don't need to be a marketing guru to promote your blog. By using some proven best practices, you can easily increase blog traffic to attract more visitors. In this article, we will share some of the simplest and tested tips to increase your blog traffic, just like expert SEO's.

Create audience profiles to understand your users

Before you start creating content for your blog, it’s important to take a moment to understand your target audience and what they need. You can quickly build an audience framework by answering the following questions:

Which is your target audience?
What problems are they facing you can help solve?
What kind of content are they looking for?
How are they ideal? Trying to find the answer to their question?
Answering these questions can help you understand your target audience more clearly.

You can also extend this by adding more personalized questions, such as:

How old are they?
What is their occupation?
What is their education level?
What is their professional level? Your blog?

These audience profiles are also known as buyer personas in the e-commerce industry. If you run an online store, then we strongly recommend that you review the detailed guide on how to create buyer personas using examples and templates.

Do keyword research to plan your content strategy

Keyword research is a technique used by content creators and SEO experts. It can help you discover specific words and sentences that users enter in Google and other search engines to find what they are looking for.

Often, beginners just rely on their best guesses when creating content. As you can imagine, this strategy is very popular.

If you use the "best guess" strategy, many of your articles may not perform well in search engines. Just because no one is looking for the keywords you use, or there is too much competition for these keywords.

The best way to improve search engine ranking is with

Through correct keyword research, you will get the following benefits:
Discover the actual search terms people are looking for Find unique content ideas for popular search terms Learn from competitors and beat them with better content Create a series of pillars-articles to bring steady traffic to your blog The question now is how do you conduct keyword research?

Fortunately, it is not as difficult as you think.There are many free and paid tools to help you do correct keyword research.
All you have to do is to enter keywords, competitor’s blog/website URL or your own URL to find more keyword ideas. We have created a detailed guide on how to conduct keyword research for your WordPress blog with step-by-step instructions.

Create an editorial calendar

Once you have completed your keyword research, you may come up with a large number of blog posts. Sometimes, a large number of keywords can overwhelm beginners to a point where they just give up. To ensure that this does not happen, we recommend that you create an editorial calendar (game plan). Remember, no large blogs have been established in a day. Creating a successful blog requires time and concerted effort. Creating an editorial calendar will help you create and stick to a plan. You can use many useful tools, such as Asana and Trello.

These tools come with a set of powerful features that can help you master the best state of the game. The goal is to organize, create a bird's eye view of the strategy, and improve work efficiency. Here are some tips for more effective management of the editing workflow. Don't be too hard on yourself. Start with two articles a week and gradually increase your speed if possible.

Align with your release schedule. Make sure to follow your calendar and publish regular content as planned. Add notes, keyword tips and outlines in the calendar. This will help you generate better quality content when you sit down and write. Use colors, labels, categories and other functions in the calendar app to make it more intuitive and organized. Here are more tips on managing your blog's editorial calendar.

Create comprehensive and useful content

The most important thing that users and search engines look for is high-quality content. For blogs, high-quality content is usually a comprehensive article about specific content covering all the details of the topic . This makes it very helpful for users. These comprehensive articles are called "pillar articles." Other experts may refer to them as flagship content or cornerstone articles.

Basically, these are your most important articles. You need to choose the most promising keywords and then provide as much information as possible in a long article. You should create as many pillar articles as possible to cover all important keywords in your industry. Here are some tips you should keep in mind when creating pillar content:

Pillar content may be any type of article. For example, how-to guides, tutorials, comparison articles, opinion articles, lists, etc. The difference between pillar content and other articles is that your pillar article is more comprehensive and provides-in-depth information on the topic. Your pillar article does not depend on time.

They are evergreen trees and are always useful. Although we recommend that they update new information to stay on top of the search results. We will introduce more tips later in this article that will help you create high-quality pillar articles to get more traffic from search engines.

Make your content readable

As we mentioned earlier, search engines and users like longer, more comprehensive articles that provide all the information they need. The problem now is that the human attention span is very short. Reading or understanding will postpone users, and they will leave without viewing all the useful information you provide. To fix this problem before it happens, you need to make everything easy to read. A good starting point is to use a friendly tone and plenty of visual effects to present your article in bite-sized sentences.

Here are some basic tips to make your content more readable and user-friendly. Use smaller sentences and paragraphs. This leaves a lot of white space around the text, making it easier to view and read. Try to improve the typography by using a more readable font, a larger font size, and a lot of line spacing. Check the readability score of the content. Yoast SEO comes with built-in tools and you can also find plenty of other online readability checkers Use a grammar checker. We recommend using Grammarly, which can not only check the grammar, but also help you write better.

Use images, screenshots, videos , infographics and other visual elements. These media elements make your article highly attractive and easy to read.

Learn and apply SEO basics to your website

SEO is a set of best practices that can help you make your website more suitable for search engines. You don't need to be a'search engine optimization master' to improve your website.

Contrary to popular belief, anyone can do SEO for their own website without having to hire an expert. There are many SEO tools and plugins, free suggestions, and step-by-step tutorials that you can use.

We recommend using Yoast SEO plugin for all WordPress sites. It is the most comprehensive SEO and website optimization tool. The free version includes all the SEO features you need on your website. You can learn all you need to know about SEO in our complete WordPress SEO guide. It includes step-by-step instructions, and it has exactly the same SEO settings that we use on our own website.

Learn: How to write good headlines

When users find your content in search results or RSS feeds, the first thing they see is your article title . An attractive blog post title stands out and gets more clicks. However, a simple and boring title is ignored and the user may scroll by it. This makes the headlines very important. You need to learn how to write better headlines for your blog posts to attract users’ attention and get more clicks.

Fortunately, bloggers have been researching headlines for a long time, and you can benefit from their findings.These are the basic building blocks of an effective headline: A good headline triggers emotional reactions (happiness, surprise, shock, curiosity, fear, excitement, greed, etc.). It provides rewards and value to users It promotes content keywords by including goals The writer uses the word of power to trigger an emotional response. They tell users why the article is valuable or what they will get by clicking on the title.

Finally, a good headline includes a call to action to the user, which is usually subtle and sometimes implicit. To learn more, we recommend that you check out these viral titles and what you can learn from them.
You can also use the following free headline analysis tools to help create better headlines:

CoSchedule Title Analyzer ShareThrough Title Analyzer EMV header analyzer Our team often uses these three tools to create better blog post titles and headlines.

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