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Meta tags Generator 100% Optimized

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In that respect today's tutorial is Meta tags Generator 100% Optimized

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Meta tags Generator 100% Optimized

Blogger Meta Tags Generator

Meta Tag Generator Tool For Blogger

Assalam O Alaikum Friends ! Today I'm going to eleburate an Important SEO Technique. Which is OnPage, It is a most powerful Technique that On-page Optimization. On page Optimization will be ganed using Meta Tags.

Description and Meta Keywords are known as a most popular Html Tags. Which are still considered a Key factor in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by the most famous Search engine Optimizer's. According to my view the first thing that should be done after creating a blog on Blogger WordPress or using any other platform must include the Meta Tags into the Template Or theme. After including the Seo HTML Tags you should required to submit your site or blog to search engines. But often noticed that some user can't include Meta Tags in the Template. Meta Tag Generator Tool For Blogger

Meta Tag Generator For Blogger

Defination Of META TAG

Basically a term is used in the field of Data Base, is Meta Data means Data about specific Data.
We often use Meta Tags in our Html Posts or Pages it's means the Data is on the Page in form of Meta Tags that tells about the page to the Browsers and Search Engines.

First Of All! Few Lines About On-Page SEO Optimization.

What is Onpage SEO?

Everything which will be done on the Post page is known as a Onpage SEO And Onpage SEO Optimization.

Why Meta Tags?

Now the Question arises Why we should use SEO META TAGS in our Posts and Pages.
Answer is quite simple Because we want to tell the Search Engine my Page is about the Meta Tag Generator or any other Keyword. It is a combination of free seo meta tag maker tool offered by SEO Apply

Title Tag

Title is an element of a Web Page that specifies the Title Of a Web or Blog's Post & Page Title Required Meta Title length title should be between 60 characters. Title Tag generator

Meta Description Generator

Description generator is free online description length checker Tool Required Description lengthMeta Description generator Or Meta description length OR max length

Language Tag

The Language Tag is an Lang attribute in a Html Tag Used to identify Language of the content on a web Or Blog

Robots Tag

The robots tag provides instructions to the robots or Web Crawler. It 's a alternative to robots.txt

How to create meta tags

Please follow the cited steps if you want to create or add Seo tags like: Title, Description, and keywords to you Site or Blog.
Here are some very simple steps.

  1. Step #1:
    Chose your Tag option Like Title, Author, Description, Keywords, Language, Copyright, Designer Or all options.
  2. Step #2:
    Fill the Text field, according to your content related information for example Meta Title, Description etc.
  3. Step #3:
    Remember That!
    Maximum Meta description length is 160 characters, and Meta Title's Maximum length is 60 characters only.
  4. Step #4: After filling the text fileds you can click on the Create tags Button.
  5. Step #5: If there is a mistake made by you, simply click on the Clear All Button.

Adding meta tags to your website

Simply: Copy the all generated Tags and paste them before the closing tag of the Head Or

Target Tag

Keywords tag

Keywords Tag are not used

Author Tag

Distribution Tag

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