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Search Intent SEO Guide and optimization: @SEOApply

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Search Intent SEO Guide and optimization: @SEOApply

Search Intent SEO Guide and optimization

Build basic knowledge of keywords based on propaganda intent

In this article, we delve into search intent. This STAT white paper studies how SERP functions respond to intents. Some bonus blog posts further break down the problem, and study how personal intent modifiers affect SERP functions, the type of content Google serves in each intent stage, and how to set yourself up Search intent items.

Search intent is the new demographic data, so it only makes sense to get close to it. Of course, in order to include all those juicy search intent tidbits, we need a good intent-based keyword approach. Here is how you can get one of them.

Collect core keywords

First of all, before you can even consider intent, you need to have a solid foundation of core keywords. These are the products, features, and/or services that you build the search intent funnel.
But keyword list building is more like an art than a science. Even the greatest writer needs to call meditation to get inspiration, so if you stare at your website, you won’t be creative. Different places to ask for help.

Get good Keyword Suggestions From Research tools

Many people like to use Google Keyword Planner to help them get started. Ubersuggest and Yoast’s Google Suggest Expander will also help you add keywords. And answering the public provides you with all of these, and has a beautiful visualization to start.

Just insert keywords and observe the suggestions. Remember to criticize these auto-generated lists, because strange choices can sometimes get mixed in. For example, obviously we should add [toll free] to our [rank tracking] keyword list.

Find inspiration on SERP

Two sources that we like keyword research directly from SERPs are the "People Will Ask" box and related searches. These queries have been reviewed and enriched by Google, and can also give you insight into how the search engine giants link topics.

If you are a STAT client, you can generate a report that will provide you with each question in the PAA box (before it becomes unlimited), and each of the eight related searches at the bottom of the SERP. Run the report for a few days, and you will quickly understand what issues and questions Google provides for your existing keyword set.

Language & Location In SEO

When you are in the UK, you push a stroller, not a stroller; you don't wear a sweater, you wear a jumper. This means that if you are in a global tracking business, it is important to remember the choice of words in different countries. Even if you don’t use them to create content, it’s nice to see if you have the terms used by global searchers.

Use Intent Modifier

Now it's time to solve the intent bit of the keyword list. This requires drawing some lines in the sand, because the modifiers that occupy each intent category can be highly subjective-is the "best" application of transactional intent rather than commercial intent?

We have listed a loose guideline below, but most importantly, the intent should be structured and categorized in a way that makes sense for your business. If you insist on using modifiers to combine with your core keywords, here is a list of 50+ to help coupling.

Intent Information

The searcher has identified the needs and is looking for the best solution. These keywords are the core keywords that you worked hard before, plus every problem you might encounter when you think searchers might be unfamiliar with your product or service.

Your information query may be similar to:

  • [product name]
  • What is [product name]
  • [Product name] how it works
  • How do I use [product name]

Business Intention

At this stage, the searcher has zeroed out the solution and is studying all the different options available to them. They are conducting comparative studies and are interested in specific requirements and characteristics.

For our research, we use the best, comparative, traded, new, online, refurbished, review, store, top and use.

Your business query may be similar to:

  • The best [product name]
  • [Product Name] Comment
  • Compare [product name]
  • What is the top [product name]
  • [Color/Style/Size] [Product Name]

Tips if you want to speed up

The super fast way to add modifiers to keywords and save typing fingers is to use a keyword mixer like this. Just don’t forget that using computer programs for human speech means you have to give them a one-time pass to make sure they still make sense.

Review your list

Now that you have found the stars and found a lot of keywords for yourself, it is time to bring things back to reality and see which ones you really want to keep.
No two reviews look the same, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind when reducing keywords to their best condition.


  1. Associated.
    Do your keywords represent your website? Do they point to optimized pages
  2. Popularity.
    Are you pursuing highly searchable terms or want to build an audience? You can get SV products from Google Keyword Planner.
  3. Opportunity
    How many clicks and impressions does your keyword have? Although not comprehensive (thanks, not provided), you can gather some information by digging into Google Search Console .
  4. Oompetition
    Which other sites do your keywords rank for? Are you opposed to SERP monsters like Amazon? How about paid advertisements like shopping boxes? How much SERP space do they occupy? Your friendly SERP analysis platform has a voice function to help you understand your search environment.
  5. Difficult
    How easy is it for your keywords to win? Search volume can give you a rough idea-the higher the search volume, the more intense the competition-but for different methods, Moz's Keyword Explorer has a difficulty score that requires Page Authority, Domain Authority and estimated click-through rate-consider To.

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